Can I just get a master's degree?
The UGA Psychology Department does not offer a general terminal master’s degree program. However, students admitted into the Ph.D. program typically obtain the M.S. along the way to the doctorate.
The Department also offers the M.A. in Industrial–Organizational Psychology, also known as the I/O Professional Master's Program, at UGA's Gwinnett Campus.
Can I start in the spring or summer?
Students are admitted for the fall semester only; however, students accepted for the fall may register for the summer before their first fall. Summer matriculation needs to be arranged with the program chair.
What graduate degrees do you offer?
The department offers the Ph.D. in Psychology, with tracks in Clinical Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Behavioral and Brain Sciences; and the M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at UGA's Gwinnett Campus.
How many students do you admit, and what are their typical grades and GRE scores?
Data below refer to Ph.D. admissions.
Admission information for 2015
Applications Reviewed: 394
Accepted (of reviewed applications): 7%
Enrolled (of accepted applicants): 60.7%
Average Total GRE of Enrolled Students: 313
Average Undergraduate GPA of Enrolled Students: 3.79
When will I know if I have been accepted to the doctoral program?
As soon as a decision is made. We will not process incomplete applications. We will process them, however, if all letters have not arrived, but not without the GRE, TOEFL (if required) and all transcripts and the personal statement. Decisions are normally made by mid-March; some students may be admitted later than that date, however.