Graduate Courses PSYC 6250 - Psychometrics Learning Objectives Accurately explain fundamental psychometric concepts and their importance for research and practice Critically evaluate evidence for the validity and reliability of psychological measures Calculate and accurately interpret validity and reliability estimates using R Use psychometrics and psychometric principles to inform decision-making Apply psychometrics to your own research Sample Readings Berry, C. M. (2015). Differential validity and differential prediction of cognitive ability tests: Understanding test bias in the employment context. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2(1), 435-463. Messick, S. (1995). Validity of psychological assessment. American Psychologist. Somaraju, A. V., Nye, C. D., & Olenick, J. (2022). A review of measurement equivalence in organizational research: What's old, what's new, what's next? Organizational Research Methods, 25(4), 741-785. PSYC 6310 - Industrial Psychology Sample Readings Dhananni, L. Y., Beur, J. M., & Joseph, D. L. (2018). Workplace discrimination: A meta-analytic extension, critique, and future research agenda. Personnel Psychology, 71, 147-179. Martinez, L. R., Sawyer, K. B., Thoroughgood, C. N., Ruggs, E. N., & Smith, N. A. (2017). The importance of being “me”: The relation between authentic identity expression and transgender employees’ work-related attitudes and experiences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 215-226. Ng., T. W. H., & Feldman, D. C. (2012). Evaluating six common stereotypes about older workers with meta-analytic data. Personnel Psychology, 65, 821-858. PSYC 6320 - Organizational Psychology Learning Objective Sample Readings Gabriel, A. S., Volpone, S. D., MacGowan, R. L., Butts, M. M., & Moran, C. M. (2020). When work and family blend together: Examining the daily experiences of breastfeeding mothers at work. Academy of Management Journal, 63(5), 1337-1369. Motro, D., Evans, J. B., Ellis, A. P. J., & Benson, L. (2021). Race and reactions to women’s expressions of anger at work: Examining the effects of the “Angry Black Woman” stereotype. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(1), 142-152. Roberson, Q. M. (2019). Diversity in the workplace: A review, synthesis, and future research agenda. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 69-88. PSYC 8980 - Ethical and Professional Issues in I-O Psychology Learning Objectives My goals are that students will: (1) develop strategies for maximizing the graduate school experience, (2), develop a range of scientific, teaching, and professional skills, (3) have an opportunity to explore multiple career paths, and (4) understand the ethical responsibilities associated with the science and practice of I-O psychology. Sample Readings Kossek, E. E., et al. (2021). Pushing the boundaries: A qualitative study of how STEM women adapted to disrupted work-nonwork boundaries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1615-1629. Lefkowitz, J., & Watts, L. L. (in press). Ethical incidences reported by Industrial-Organizational Psychologists: A ten-year follow-up. Journal of Applied Psychology. Sternberg, R. J. (2004). Psychology 101 ½: The unspoken rules for success in academia (lessons #19, #37, #57, #77, #89, #101). Washington, APA PSYC 9100 - Adult Learning and Workforce Development Inclusive Excellence Learning Objectives Describe the current state of diversity training in organizations and implications for its ineffectiveness Recognize potential points at which bias in training design and interventions may arise Sample Readings Roberson, Q. M., Moore, O. A., & Bell, B. S. (2024). An active learning approach to diversity training. Academy of Management Review, 49(2), 344-365. Ford, J. K. (2020). Learning in organizations: An evidence-based approach. Routledge. PSYC 9100 - Teams Learning Objectives Describe the theoretical underpinnings for why diversity should benefit team performance Describe the state of the literature on the relationship between team diversity and effectiveness Identify potential intervention points for improving team diversity outcomes Sample Readings Avery, D. R., Rhue, L. A., & McKay, P. F. (2023). Setting the Stage for Success: How Participation Diversity Can Help Teams Leverage Racioethnic Diversity. Journal of Management, 49(4), 1312-1343. Martins, L. L., & Sohn, W. (2022). How does diversity affect team cognitive processes? Understanding the cognitive pathways underlying the diversity dividend in teams. Academy of Management Annals, 16(1), 134-178. Sulik, J., Bahrami, B., & Deroy, O. (2022). The diversity gap: when diversity matters for knowledge. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(3), 752-767.