Image: Congratulations to Dr. Lillian Eby, who was recently named a Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM)! The Fellows Group recognizes and honors AOM members who have made significant contributions to the science and practice of management. For 2021, Dr. Eby was one of 14 fellows honored with this induction. Dr. Eby is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research at UGA. Her research interests center on mentoring relationships, factors that predict individual career success, worker well-being, and the intersection of work and family life. She has published over 125 peer-reviewed journal articles, co-edited three books, and currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Applied Psychology. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Dr. Eby! Read more about the inducted Fellows and Fellows group here.