Malissa Clark Papers Shockley, K. M., Clark, M. A., Dodd, H., & King, E. B. (2021). Work-family strategies during COVID-19: Examining gender dynamics among dual-earner couples with young children. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(1), 15-28. Conferences Sanders, K. N., Cole, R.B., & Clark, M. A., (2023, November). Experiences of Job Insecurity: A Latent Profile Analysis. Poster session presented at the 15th International Work, Stress, and Health Conference: Work and Mental Health – Challenges and Solutions in a Changing World Romick, C., Watson, L., Oney, S.D., & Clark, M. A. (2023, October). Perceived organizational support through a lens of racial tension and challenging times. Poster presented at the annual River Cities Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN. Buchanan, B. E., Shockley, K. M., Clark, M. A., Dodd, H., & King, E. B. (2023, April). Invisible household labor: A nomological network of parental cognitive labor. Symposium presentation at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Lillian Eby Publications Anker, J. G., Carmichael-Tanaka, N., & Eby, L. T. (2024). Importance of considering intersectionality when studying weight at work. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 17, 126-132. Eby, L. T., Anker, J. G., Facteau, D. B., Facteau, K. O., & Casper, W. J. (2023). How well are we doing addressing the United Nations Sustainable Goals in the science and practice of I-O Psychology? Reflections on the SIOP 2023 conference. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16, 495-503. Eby, L. T., Robertson, M. M., Facteau, D. B., & Anker, J. G. (2023). Risky business: Understanding the association between objective COVID-19 occupational risk features and worker subjective risk perceptions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (Special Issue on COVID-19 risk) Gooty, J., Ruggs, E. N., Aguinis, H., Bergeron, D. M., Eby, L. T., van Knippenberg, D., Post, C., Rupp, D. E, Thatcher, S. M. B., Tonidandel, S., & Yammarino, F. J. (2023). Stronger together: A call for gender-inclusive leadership in business schools. Journal of Management, 49, 2531-2540. Gabriel, A. S., Allen, T. D., Devers, C. E., Eby, L. T., Gilson, L. L., Hebl, M., Kehoe, R. R., †King. E., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., Ou, A. Y., Schleicher, D. J., Shockley, K. M., Klotz, A. C., Rosen, C. C. (2023). A call to action: Taking the untenable out of women professors’ pregnancy, postpartum, and caregiving demands. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16, 187-210. Conference Presentations/Panels/Symposia Eby, L. T. & Facteau, D. B. (April, 2024). The UN and I-O psychology: Impact through research, education, and practice. Panel discussion at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL. Eby, L. T. (April, 2023). Women academic leaders, networking, and careers: Storytelling and roundtables. Panelist, annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Boston, MA. Eby, L. T. (October, 2022). Sticky floors and glass ceilings: Gender biases and solutions in the academy. Panelist, annual meeting of the Southern Management Association. Little Rock, AK. Eby, L. T. (April, 2022). The imperative of supporting women scholars who have caregiving demands. Panelist, annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Seattle, WA. Eby, L. T. (November, 2021). Allyship in science: Reflections from the editors on pathways to inclusion. Panelist, annual meeting of the Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA. Eby. L. T. (April, 2021). Visibly and meaningfully moving I-O forward: Addressing societal issues. Panelist, annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Anker, J.G., Carmichael-Tanaka, N., & Eby, L.T. (2024). Examining Weight Discrimination from an Intersectional Perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL. Eby, L. T. & Anker, J. G. (April, 2024). Employees in recovery from substance use: Directions for future research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL. Anker, J. G., Facteau, D. B., Eby, L. T., & Robertson, M. M. (April, 2023). Risky business: Understanding the association between objective COVID-19 occupational risk feature and worker subjective risk perceptions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Boston, MA. Eby, L. T. (Chair) (August, 2021). The female leadership advantage in crisis. Panel discussion presented at Academy of Management. Eby. L. T. & Facteau, D. B. (Co-Chairs) (April, 2021). Advancing our understanding of mental illness at work. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Grants Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (funded by National Institutes of Health). Co-Investigator on multi-institutional grant with programming designed to provide mentoring and other developmental opportunities to under-represented scientists. Invited Talks and Workshops Eby, L. T. (February, 2024). Best practices in mentoring graduate students. Keynote speaker, Graduate Student Success Day, Graduate School, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. (included extensive discussion of mentoring underrepresented students and inclusive mentoring practices) Eby, L. T. (June, 2023). Equity and inclusion paper development workshop. Invited group leader, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Eby, L. T. (June, 2023). Editor’s panel. Equity and inclusion paper development workshop. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Eby, L. T. (January, 2019). The science of mentoring. Keynote address, Leading with a Ph.D. Conference, The Graduate School, Princeton University. Princeton, NJ. (included extensive discussion of mentoring underrepresented students and inclusive mentoring practices) 10 invited talks across the United States and Europe discussing DEI initiatives and priorities at the Journal of Applied Psychology (2020-present) Yimin He Papers Maznevski, M. L., Steel, P., He, Y., Stahl, G., Chang, B., Fiscus, J., & Goestl, S. (2023). Diversity in teams: Large-scale meta-analytic assessment of diversity categories and taxonomies. Proceeding of the Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1), 15515. Conferences He, Y., Liu, S.-N. C., Nguyen, D. M., & Sabat, I. E. (2019, April). Antecedents, outcomes, and moderators of workplace diversity climate: A meta-analysis. Poster to be presented at the 34th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, National Harbor, MD. Jeffrey Olenick Papers Olenick, J., Eggler, K., Bowker, J., Kozlowski, S. W. J., Chang, C-H., Somaraju, A., & Griffin, D. (in press). A qualitative investigation of teamwork in extreme environments. Group & Organization Management. Olenick, J. & Somaraju, A. (2024). Questionable assumptions and the study of emergent diversity effects. Academy of Management Perspectives, 38(1), 120-131. Olenick, J., & Somaraju, A. (2023). On the undervaluing of diversity in the validity-diversity tradeoff consideration. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16(3), 353-357. Olenick, J., & Dishop, C. (2022). Clarifying dynamics for organizational research and interventions: A diversity example. Organizational Psychology Review, 12(4), 365-386. Somaraju, A., Nye, C., & Olenick, J. (2022). A review of measurement equivalence in organizational research: What's old, what's new, what's next? Organizational Research Methods, 25(4), 741-785. Olenick, J., Ryan, A. M., & Kuljanin, G. (2021). Basic incomes and the dynamics of wealth accumulation, individual development, and employment opportunities. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 14(4), 563-568. Van Fossen, J. A., Olenick, J., Ayton, J., Chang, C. H., & Kozlowski, S. W. (2021). Relationships between personality and social functioning, attitudes towards the team and mission, and well-being in an ICE environment. Acta Astronautica, 189, 658-670. Rosenman, E. D., Misisco, A., Olenick, J., …& Fernandez, R., (2021). Does team leader gender matter? A Bayesian reconciliation of leadership and patient care during trauma resuscitations. Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open, 2(1), e12348. Conferences Olenick, J., Eggler, K. D., Gupta, A., & Surface, E. A. (2024). Award: Best of SIOP [IGNITE]. Natural Language Processing in DEI Surveys. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. Eggler, K. D., Alyaan, S., Olenick, J., Gupta, A., Surface, E. A., Ousterout, J. (2024). Identifying Biases in Natural Language Processing Across Demographic Groups. In Elfeki, Y. (Chair) & D'Mello, S. D. (Discussant) (2024). Unlocking Potential: AI Applications in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. Savage, J. M., & Olenick, J. (2024). Building trust through allyship: Moderating roles of motivation and perspective. In Ready, E. J. (Co-Chair), Snoeyink, M., Smith, N. A. (Co-Chair), & Ruggs, E. R. (Discussant). (2024). A rising tide: How allyship elevates employee experiences [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. Liguori, E. A., Eggler, K. D., Savage, J. M., Olenick, J. & Katz, I. M. (2023). A critical review of organizational allyship: Issues in conceptualization, operationalization, and definitional sources. In K. D., Eggler, & C. Nittrouer (chairs). Advancing allyship research and practice: Theory, methodology, and training [Symposium]. Society for Industrial Organizational Society Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Misisco, A.T., Grand, J.A., Olenick, J., Rosenman, E., Fernandez, R., Brolliar, S., Chao, G.T., & Kozlowski, S.W.J. (2020, April). A Bayesian reconciliation of leadership gender effects in emergency medical teams [paper]. In A.T. Misisco and S.W.J. Kozlowski (Chairs), Modern advances in the study of team composition and diversity [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States. Van Fossen, J.A., Misisco, A., Olenick, J., Griffin, D., Chang, C-H., & Kozlowski, S.W.J. (2020, April). An idiographic approach to understanding team process dynamics [paper]. In H.E. Yang, T. Burns, and K. Bezukova (chairs), Trapped together: Teamwork in isolated, confined, and extreme teams [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States. Olenick, J. (2019, April). Using variety diversity and faultlines as levers for team composition [paper]. In T. Bedwell (Chair), Team composition: Exploring the changing landscape of both science and practice [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Washington, DC, United States. Posters Eggler, K., Olenick, J., Surface, E. A., & Ousterout, J. (2023, August). When diversity measures are nonequivalent: Advice for practitioners [poster]. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, United States. Eggler, K., Olenick, J., Surface, E. A., & Ousterout, J. (2023, April). Measurement nonequivalence: Addressing group differences in DEI measures [poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Eggler, K. D., Olenick, J., Surface, E. A., & Ousterout, J. (2023, April 3-7). When diversity measures are nonequivalent: Advice for practitioners [Poster]. Old Dominion University 2023 Graduate Research Achievement Day, Norfolk, VA, United States. Savage, J. M., Olenick, J., & Neal, Z. P. (2022, April). A computational modeling of organizational segregation patterns [Poster]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, United States. Grants Olenick, J. (January 2023). Supporting Space Exploration with Allyship: Advancing Diversity and Inclusion at NASA. Virginia Space Grant Consortium New Investigator Program. (Value: $18,605) Olenick, J., Eggler, K., Surface, E. & Gupta, A. (2022). Mitigating Bias in Organizational Diversity and Inclusion Interventions with Natural Language Processing. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Small Grant Program. (Value: $9,612.50) Neil Outland Papers Duggan, E., Tsai, M., Sanford, J., Outland, N. (2024). Using Bibliometric Data to Define and Understand Publishing Network Equity in Anesthesiology. Anesthesiology & Analgesics. Conferences Outland, N., & Carmichael-Tanaka, N. (2023, October). The people (re)make the place: Exploring identity dynamics through computational modeling. Paper presented at the Eurosim Conference, Toulouse, France. Lumbreras, J., Melson-Silimon, A., Robertson, M., & Outland, N. (2023, August). A grounded theory exploration of code-switching themes in the workplace. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Melson-Silimon, A., Lumbreras, J., Robertson, M., & Outland, N. (2023, April). Multiverse of racial/ethnic identity: Exploring code-switching in the workplace. Symposium presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Carmichael-Tanaka, N. & Outland, N. (2023, April 19-22). Diversity through the lens of Identification: A Systematic Review of Identity-Measurement Scales. In N. Carmichael-Tanaka & D. Avery (Chairs). Measurement and Conceptualization of Identity and Diversity in the Workplace. [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. Melissa Robertson Conference Presentations Robertson, M. M. (Co-Chair), Kendrick, M. (Co-Chair), Dimoff, J. K., Finkelstein, L., McGonagle, A. K., Santuzzi, A. M., Wessel, J. L., & Whelpley, C. E. (2024, April). Supporting employees with chronic health conditions and disabilities. Alternative session at the 2024 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL. Melson-Silimon, A., Lumbreras, J., Robertson, M., & Outland, N. (2023, April). Multiverse of racial/ethnic identity: Exploring code-switching in the workplace. In Salter, N.P. & Melson-Silimon, A. (Co-Chairs), Identity management: Different people, but similar experiences. Symposium at the 2023 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA. Robertson, M. M., Kendrick, M., & Zhang, F. (2023, April). Mentoring for inclusion: A qualitative study of how mentors promote and undermine inclusion among racial/ethnic minority mentees. In Eby, L. T. & Facteau, K. (Co-Chairs), Science and practice of mentoring: Trends, recommendations, and priorities for future research. Symposium at the 2023 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA. Argueta-Rivera, J., & Robertson, M. (2021, July). Mentor support of mentees from racial and ethnic minority groups. Presentation at the 2022 BIG 10 Summer Research Opportunities Program Exhibit, West Lafayette, IN. *Third place winner best presentation Woo, S. (Co-Chair), Robertson, M. M. (Co-Chair), Derricks, V., Jones, K., Perry, J., & Wessel, J. (2023). Authentic allyship in the workplace. Panel session at the 2023 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Boston, MA. Denny, A., Robertson, M., & Zhang, F. (2022, July). An integrated conceptual definition of cultural awareness. Poster presented at the 2022 Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Conference, West Lafayette, IN. Robertson, M., Lumbreras, J. B., & Melson-Silimon, A.g (2022, April). The effects of protégés’ race/ethnicity on mentoring relationships: A grounded theory review. In J. B. Lumbreras & A. Melson-Silimon (Co-Chairs), Beyond the margins: Workplace experiences of racial and ethnic minorities. Symposium presented at the 2022 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Seattle, WA. Grants Funder: Purdue University, Healthy Lifestyles and Vital Longevity Research Award Project Title: Can we talk about my chronic illness? Chronic illness disclosure and concealment at work and home Funder: University of Georgia, Center for Research and Engagement in Diversity Seed Grant Project Title: Capturing the dynamic nature of code-switching and racial identity management among Black workers