Director: Dr. Steven Beach
Some of the research in our lab has been examining the role of particular genotypes in moderating environmental effects on behavioral outcomes. Recently we have shown that genotype moderates effects of parenting on child…
BIRC is a multi-imaging research suite designed to provide a full range of biological tissue imaging technologies to multiple biomedical investigators in programs across the UGA campus, their students, and other researchers. The state-of-the-art facility serves as a…
The Biomedical and Translational Sciences Institute (BTSI) was established in 2021 to advance the University’s basic and scientific research through the development of diagnostic tools, therapies and training. BTIS is committed to providing…
The Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory is a collaborative effort based in the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia. Under the direction of Drs. Brett Clementz and Jennifer McDowell, members of the laboratory are engaged in a variety…
Having close relationships with others is a central human experience. Many of life’s ups and downs, the activities people engage in, and the goals they set for themselves are in one way or another linked to the initiation, development and maintenance of social…
Our purpose is to create a better world through science and education about organizational systems.
Our work seeks to understand what shapes people's identity. Our research investigates how people think about their identity, changes to their identity, and how identity is different according to cultural context. Many of our studies involve a personality…
The mission of the DAP lab is to conduct research that can help foster healthy development in children and families from diverse sociodemographic backgrounds. Guided by the notion that development is best informed by studying pathways that lead to both…
The lab focuses on how behaviors and social interactions impact developmental trajectories throughout infancy and into toddlerhood. Studies conducted in the lab use various techniques: from conducting controlled laboratory experiments to free-flowing toy play…
The Emotional Perception Lab is broadly interested in the brain mechanisms that underlie emotional stimulus processing. Through the use of noninvasive measures including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), dense-array electroencephalography (EEG), and…
Our research team in the ECHO lab is conducting research on employee health and well-being, with a particular emphasis on relationships inside and outside of work.
The FRESH Lab is directed by Dr. Anne Shaffer, and is housed in the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia.
In the Georgia Attitude, Bias, and Behavior Acquisition Lab (GABBA Lab) we examine how systemic forms of oppression are maintained and reinforced through subtle patterns of thought and behavior, and how those systems can be…
The Georgia Gambling and Decision Lab is based in the Psychology Department of the University of Georgia. The lab is collaborative in nature, and has been directed by Dr. Adam Goodie since 1998. Our research is dedicated to the multidisciplinary domains of gambling…
The Health and Development lab is based within the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia. Under the direction of Dr. Katherine Ehrlich, members of the laboratory are engaged in several studies focused on how the social world shapes health across…
The University of Georgia Infant Research Laboratory, directed by Dr. Janet Frick, conducts studies on the development of visual attention and learning in young infants.
The Leadership and Performance Dynamics (LPD) Lab is an Industrial-Organizational Psychology research lab at the University of Georgia led by Dr. Brian Hoffman. Topics studied in the LPD Lab include leadership, selection and assessment,…
People have an awful lot on their plate these days. Between trying to stay (or get) healthy, make a living, pay off debt, save for retirement, maintain fulfilling marriages and relationships, raise happy kids, and stay off the unemployment list, people have a lot of…
The Personality Studies Lab studies the interplay between personality and psychopathology with a primary focus on externalizing (EXT) disorders and outcomes. Within the broad EXT grouping, our interest lies most strongly with the domain of Antagonism vs.…
Our research focuses on the intersection between relationships and work. Our mission is to use social science to enhance workers’ individual and relational development, inclusion, and well-being.
The SEND Lab, led by Dr. Ashley Sanders, is part of the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia. Our research focuses on how childhood disadvantage and related stress influence neural-immune processes and shape developmental trajectories.…
Director: Dr. Randy Hammond
The primary goal of our research program is to conduct basic and applied studies on the visual system. A primary focus of the laboratory has been the study of the dietary carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin,…
Research in the Visual Perception Laboratory is aimed at trying to understand how we organize, perceive, and attend to our visual world. Our general research approach could be described as a combination of cognitive psychophysics and visual neuroscience. We use…
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